MMA Statistics Database
MMA Statistics Database
Real Sector
6 categories
2129 indicators
Annual National Accounts
Gross Domestic Product
Quarterly National Accounts (Constant Prices)
Tourist arrivals and tourism indicators
Fish prices, purchases and volume of fish exports
Consumer Price Index and inflation
Monthly Gross Domestic Product (Constant Prices)
Fiscal Sector
5 categories
232 indicators
Monthly Fiscal Developments
Summary of government finances, detailed expenditure and revenue out-turns for the reporting month.
Government Finance Statistics
Government finance statistics (GFS) covers all financial activities of the government as per the GFSM 1998 format.
Borrowings of the Central Government by Ownership
Claims on Central Government by institutions.
Summary of Treasury Bills and Islamic Instruments
Value of issued, matured and outstanding t-bills and islamic instruments
Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt of Central Government
Financial Sector
19 categories
1500 indicators
Central Bank Survey
Monetary and financial statistics of Maldives Monetary Authority
Other Depository Corporation Survey
Monetary and financial statistics of commercial banks in Maldives
Depository Corporations Survey
Monetary and financial statistics of Maldives Monetary Authority and commercial banks in Maldives
Other Financial Corporations Survey
Monetary and financial statistics of insurance corporations, pension funds and finance leasing companies in Maldives
Financial Corporations Survey
Monetary and financial statistics of central bank, other depository corporations and other financial corporations in Maldives as a whole
Assets and Liabilities of Maldives Monetary Authority
This includes assets and liabilities of Maldives Monetary Authority
Assets And Liabilities of Other Depository Corporations
This includes assets and liabilities of commercial banks in Maldives
Assets And Liabilities of Other Financial Corporations
This includes assets and liabilities of insurance corporations, pension funds and finance leasing companies in Maldives
Loans and Advances
This represents the credit provided by commercial banks and financing companies in Maldives. The data includes loans issued to private sector and public non-financial corporations by the stated subsectors of the financial sector.
Interest Rates
Interest rates charged for different financial assets and liabilities in Maldives.
Monetary Policy Rates
Rates for the main monetary policy instruments at MMA
Financial Access Survey
This represents data on access and use of financial services which are based on data collected from financial institutions in Maldives.
Income statement of insurance corporations
This includes data on income and expenses of insurance corporations in Maldives.
Financial position of insurance corporations
This represents financial position of insurance corporations in Maldives.
Key indicators of insurance corporations
This includes main indicators providing an overview of General Insurance Business in Maldives.
Key indicators of insurance corporations by class
This includes main indicators providing an overview of General Insurance Business in Maldives by business class.
Assets And Liabilities of Insurance Corporations
This includes data on assets and liabilities of insurance corporations in Maldives which is compiled in accordance to the monetary and financial statistics manual by IMF (MFSM 2000).
Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs)
Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) underlying series
External Sector
11 categories
925 indicators
Reserve Data Template
This represents data compiled as per the International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity data template guideline by IMF (2013). This includes only on-balance sheet items of Maldives Monetary Authority.
Balance of Payments (Analytical Presentation)
Economic transactions with the rest of the world
Trade by Sector
Value of exports and imports by public and private sector
Composition of Exports and Imports
Value of exports and imports by product category
Direction of Trade
Imports and exports by trading partner country
Trade Indicators
International commodity prices
Imports and Exports by HS Chapter
Value of exports and imports by HS Chapter
Fish Exports by Country
Value of fish exports by Country
External Debt and Debt Service
Central Government external debt outstanding and debt service
Exchange Rates (MVR per Foreign Currency)
MVR exchange rate with major trading partners